Here at Newport Medical and Wellness Center, our primary focus is to help you become your healthiest self. It can be hard to stick to your goals when holidays roll around and you’re focused on enjoying food with your family. But if you figure out your menu in advance, you’re more likely to make healthy choices. Here are a few healthy Memorial Day meal ideas that taste great and can fuel your body without guilt.

The sun’s rays are getting hotter, and it’s time to start actively protecting your skin if you plan to spend more than 10 minutes at a time outside. Unfortunately, not all sunscreen products are equally safe or effective. Some even contain harmful ingredients that can be absorbed into your body and potentially lead to health issues down the road. So instead of grabbing the first sunscreen product you see on the shelf, follow these tips for choosing the right sunscreen.

Your heart is the organ that’s responsible for pumping oxygenated blood throughout your body so you can live, breathe and function. Keeping your heart healthy is important for longevity. Unfortunately, heart disease is the leading cause of death throughout the world. Whether you have a family history of heart problems or you just want to make sure you keep your heart in good condition for as long as possible, here are the top supplements known to support a healthy heart.

Many people are unable to fully enjoy the beauty of spring because they suffer from mild to severe springtime allergies. It’s estimated that up to 60 million people in the United States alone experience springtime allergies (which are typically triggered by pollen or mold). If you’re one of these people, here are a few tips for controlling your symptoms this spring.

Are you trying to get more active so you look and feel your best? You may think you have to start an intense, highly challenging physical workout to see noticeable results. But jumping into a physically challenging workout program without building up to it can cause excessive stress on your body and can potentially lead to injury. What many people don’t realize is that they can boost their health by simply walking. Here are a few surprising ways walking can boost your health.


Eating healthy can be a challenge, especially when empty calories and highly processed foods are so tasty and easy to find. Unfortunately, snacking on nutrient-poor foods can cause your health to take a nosedive and can lead to a variety of unwanted side effects such as fatigue and weight gain.

This year, many people are working from home due to the pandemic. The work-from-home trend has been great in some ways (it’s helped people save on gas and vehicle wear-and-tear), but it’s been challenging in some ways as well. In particular, it’s created new demand for physical therapy as people experience more backaches, headaches and other general aches and pains that come from working in an environment not meant for it. Here’s why the demand for physical therapy is growing this year in direct response to more people working from home.

Now that we’re more than a month into 2021, you may find that your resolutions are starting to get a little more challenging. Eating healthy food day after day can be difficult, especially if the recipes you’ve chosen so far are bland or complicated to make. Well, you’re in luck, because here is a healthy, satisfying and great-tasting dinner recipe that will help you stay on track in the new year.

Have you noticed your clothes fit a little tighter after indulging in holiday goodies and dinners? You’re in good company. Many people gain a few extra pounds at the end of the year. Sometimes, that holiday weight gain is very difficult to get rid of and becomes permanent weight gain. To keep this from happening to you, it’s important to take active steps to fight back against weight gain during the holidays and afterward. Fortunately, Newport Medical and Wellness Center offers weight loss services that can help you fight the bulge and come out conqueror.

The year 2020 took a physical, emotional and mental toll on many people. Now that 2021 is here, it’s time to put your best self—and your best face—forward. After a year of wearing masks that cause acne and irritate the delicate skin of the face, here are five things you can do to enjoy more beautiful skin in the new year and beyond.