Laser Services
Refining the Face with Cosmetic Lasers
It’s one of the perks of the age in which we live: even those of us without access to the world’s finest photographers and photo re-touchers can still have skin as flawless as the celebrity photos we admire.
Through photofacials, hair removal, skin tightening, and fractional resurfacing we can refine and rejuvenate skin with laser technology designed specifically to gently and effectively downplay and erase imperfections. The highly trained staff at Newport Medical and Wellness is ready to help you face the world with a refreshed, revitalized outlook and flawless skin that rivals your favorite star’s complexion, and we can do it without causing a dent in your busy schedule or budget.
At Newport Medical and Wellness Center, we offer the latest technology lasers to provide our clients with absolute best results.
Click on any of the images or links below to learn more about these exciting cosmetic treatments could help you!
IPL PhotofacialsFor a younger and healthier looking skin. |
Skin RejuvenationRejuvenating the deep dermal layers. |
Laser Hair RemovalImagine never shaving your legs, arms or bikini area ever again. |
Skin ResurfacingAddressing severe aging and deep wrinkling, crow’s feet & acne scars. |
Scar RemovalMinimize acne or surgical scars. |
Skin RevitalizationTreat wrinkles, acne scars and blemishes with no downtime. |
Laser Tattoo RemovalThe world’s most advanced tattoo removal laser. |
Are Laser Cosmetic Treatments Safe?
Here at Newport Health Medical and Wellness, it’s our policy not to recommend treatments we feel are unsafe for our clients in any way. In your consultation, we’re more than happy to answer any questions you have about whether or not cosmetic laser treatments are right for you.
Are You Ready to Face the World with Renewed Confidence?
Schedule an appointment with our doctor, PA, or NP for a consult to find out the best course of action to give you the exact results you desire.