What You Should Know About Your Mover and Stabilizer Muscles | Newport Medical and Wellness

What You Should Know About Your Mover and Stabilizer Muscles

April 6, 2022

in LongSpine Method, Physical Therapy

Everyone has different categories of muscles in their bodies, including mover and stabilizer muscles. As the name suggests, mover muscles are responsible for helping us move parts of our bodies or our whole bodies from one point to another. Stabilizer muscles, on the other hand, are responsible for holding the body upright and maintaining control while moving or holding still.

Though mover muscles get a lot of attention and are very important, stabilizer muscles are equally important. They are responsible for maintaining correct posture and proper spinal alignment. They can also help minimize pain and risk of injury while performing daily activities or working out.

Importance of Mover Muscles

As you can imagine, life would be pretty boring without mover muscles. In fact, it would be non-existent. You need your mover muscles to help you get from one place to another. You need them to help you lift things, open doors and do all the things essential for life. If you want your mover muscles to do their jobs well, you need to exercise them and challenge them regularly. This will help keep them strong and functional.

Importance of Stabilizer Muscles

Like mover muscles, stabilizer muscles are essential. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to stand tall or sit up straight. Your stabilizer muscles help you maintain good form and posture while walking, standing still and exercising. If you want to avoid injuries while performing daily tasks or working out, it’s important to make sure your stabilizer muscles are strong and healthy.

How To Strengthen Your Mover Muscles

To strengthen your mover muscles, engage in exercises and activities that challenge them. For example, walking on the treadmill, lifting weights and swimming all work the mover muscles. When you live a sedentary lifestyle, your mover muscles are likely to become weak and less effective at doing their jobs properly. Regular cardiovascular and strength training can help you develop strong and efficient mover muscles.

How To Strengthen Your Stabilizer Muscles

The best way to strengthen your stabilizer muscles is to use low weights and perform slow exercises with a high number of repetitions. While exercising, focus on tightening up your core muscles (which are primarily the muscles in your trunk and glutes). Resistance bands and balance exercises are also very helpful for strengthening your stabilizers.

The key to working your stabilizer muscles properly is to go slowly so you can give adequate focus to your form and alignment. It is easy for exercises to have a negative impact on your stabilizer muscles if they are done incorrectly. The stronger your stabilizer muscles are, the less likely you are to experience pain and injury while working out or performing regular household tasks.

Strengthen Your Mover and Stabilizer Muscles Today

There will never be a better time than now to begin strengthening your mover and stabilizer muscles. Keep in mind that developing strong muscles takes time, but the wait is worth the end result. If you need help strengthening your stabilizer muscles safely, consider taking advantage of the LongSpine method offered at Newport Medical and Wellness Center. This guided exercise class focuses on safely and efficiently strengthening the core muscles for optimal spine health and stability.

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