What To Know About National Childhood Obesity | Newport Medical and Wellness

What To Know About National Childhood Obesity

July 13, 2022

in Family Medicine

National Childhood Obesity Week is July 4-10 this year (2022). Childhood obesity is a condition that impacts approximately one in five children and adolescents in the United States. In the UK, one out of every three children is obese. To confront this problem, it’s first necessary to understand more about it and what genetic or lifestyle factors are leading to the steadily rising rates of childhood obesity in developed nations.

Understanding Childhood Obesity

Obesity is a condition caused by the accumulation of excess body fat. In the U.S., when a child’s body mass index reaches the 95th percentile, the child is considered obese. For example, a 10-year-old boy who weighs 102 pounds and has an average height (around 56 inches) would have a BMI of 22.9 kg/m. This means the boy would be considered obese because he would be in the 95th percentile for BMI.

Though BMI doesn’t directly measure body fat, it is considered a practical alternative to more complicated methods used to directly measure body fat. Any trained healthcare provider should be able to accurately measure BMI to consider whether a child can be considered obese or not.

How To Combat Childhood Obesity

Even though childhood obesity is a rising problem, it doesn’t have to be inevitable. There are things parents, teachers and communities can do to encourage children to live more healthy, active lifestyles to keep their weight in check. Here are some specific suggestions for combatting childhood obesity.

Serve Healthy Meals

Parents and schools should be focused on serving healthy meals to children. Often, when children eat calorie-rich but nutrient-poor diets, their bodies feel insatiably hungry because they aren’t getting the nutrients they require to function and grow properly. As a result, children tend to eat even more unhealthy foods and pack on even more pounds.

Serving healthy foods can help naturally balance weight and boost overall health. Meals that are high in fiber and incorporate plenty of fruits and vegetables can be both filling and nutritious.

Encourage Physical Activity

Physical movement is necessary for burning excess calories and promoting good health. Children these days have many opportunities to sit still (especially while playing video games or watching screens). It’s important to encourage kids to get outside and engage in healthy play and physical activity.

Focus on Proper Hydration

Often, our bodies mistake thirst for hunger. Keeping children properly hydrated may help calm their appetites. It will also help them avoid dehydration and heat exhaustion. For children who are chronically dehydrated, IV hydration therapy from Newport Medical and Wellness Center may be a good solution.

Improve Skin Health

Obesity impacts the skin’s barrier function and can cause a variety of skin problems. To help children with skin issues due to obesity, gentle laser skin services from Newport Medical and Wellness Center may be recommended.

We Can Fight Childhood Obesity Together

Childhood obesity is a huge problem that is leading to many unwanted health issues in kids. In honor of National Childhood Obesity Week, it’s important to focus on the things we can do as a society to help our kids combat this pervasive problem. With proper support and attention, we can turn things around and fight childhood obesity together.

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