Beat Holiday Stress Relaxation Tips | Newport Medical and Wellness Center

Beat Holiday Stress With These 4 Tips

December 13, 2018

in Boost Hydration, Family Medicine, Massage, Medical & Wellness

The holidays may bring about the most wonderful time of the year, but it often comes with a high stress. Whether you feel anxious about spending time with certain family members, you’re mourning a loss, or you have an unending to-do list, it’s all too easy to become stressed during a season that may otherwise be enjoyable. If you’re finding the pace of the holidays to be a bit much to handle, try beating your stress with these easy tips.

  1. Learn To Say No

You may have a helpful personality and wish to do everything you can to make the people around you happy – possibly even to your detriment. It’s important to also take care of yourself, and sometimes that means setting realistic expectations and understanding when you have too much on your plate. If you already have much to do, it’s okay to tell people “no” and not take on more obligations. Make sure you also have a little “you” time to relax and do what you enjoy.

  1. Get Some Exercise – in the Sun

Exercise releases endorphins, so if you find you’re putting your regular workout on hold because of the holidays, don’t! Getting out in the California sunshine not only helps you to soak up more vitamin D, but it’s also a natural way to boost your spirits. Go for a run or a hike – it may help clear your mind, and it’s great for your bodily health.

  1. Eat Healthier Foods

It’s all too easy to reach for another piece of candy during the holidays – sugary snacks and comfort foods seem to always be within arm’s reach. However, these foods can also lead to sugar crashes, headaches, and a feeling of general unwellness. Instead, go for fresh vegetables or fruit. In fact, a little bit of citrus isn’t just good for you to eat, but the scent can also boost feelings of wellness.

  1. Get a Massage

Excess stress often translates to tension in the body, and one of the best ways to help retrain your muscles to relax is with a professional massage from a trained massage therapist. Newport Medical and Wellness Center offers massage therapy services by Sica Jefferson to specifically relieve the physical manifestations of stress in the body. Not only can this give you physical and mental relief, but it’s a great way to help you relax at any time of the year.

Don’t let the holidays bog you down with stress. Try these four tips to start relaxing more. You may also consider having a general wellness exam or getting more stress relief tips directly from the professionals at Newport Medical and Wellness Center. Give us a call to see how we can help, 949-631-9009.

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