Tips for Managing Fall Colds and Flus | Newport Medical and Wellness

Tips for Managing Fall Colds and Flus

October 27, 2020

in Family Medicine, Lifestyle

This fall, many people are more nervous than usual about getting sick. This is unsurprising, due to the current pandemic. However, you have more control than you realize over how you respond to illness and how quickly your body can recover. To help you prepare for this cold and flu season, here are some tips for managing any illnesses you may experience.

Purchase a Humidifier

A humidifier is a tool that has been around since the 1920’s, but it’s just as effective now as it was when your parents and grandparents were kids. A humidifier is an electric appliance that increases the humidity in the air, which can soothe scratchy sore throats and dry airways. Use a humidifier that emits a cool mist rather than a warm mist, since warm-air humidifiers can promote bacteria and mold growth.

Take a Warm, Steamy Shower

Though warm-air humidifiers aren’t recommended because they continuously put out a stream of bacteria-promoting steam into the air, temporarily breathing in steam can be helpful. To do this, take a warm, steamy shower or simply sit in a steamy bathroom with the door closed for anywhere between 5 to 10 minutes. The steam may help loosen up mucous so you can breathe more easily when you have a cold.

Stay Hydrated

It’s harder to stay hydrated in the fall and winter because your body tends to feel less thirsty than it does in the hot summer months. However, proper hydration is essential for helping your immune system fight off infections. If you somehow get dehydrated during cold and flu season, consider replenishing your liquids and electrolytes with Boost Hydration IV and Injection therapies from Newport Medical and Wellness Center. You may also choose to receive this treatment to replenish lost nutrients and electrolytes after you recover from a cold or flu.

Stay Home and Rest

If you get sick with a cold or flu, the last thing you should do is continue going to work or school. You don’t want to spread your illness to others, so stay home and rest as long as you need to. Take advantage of the downtime by taking a break from working out, deep cleaning or doing any other strenuous activities.

Eat Healthy Foods

You may feel like eating lots of comfort foods when you’re sick, but it’s important to stay away from TV dinners, cookies and anything else that’s laden with sugar or is heavily processed. Instead, nourish your body with salads, warm soups and other meals that are nutrient-dense and can strengthen your body’s natural defense systems.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is one of your body’s most effective defenses against illness. To recover quickly from any cold or flu you may develop, it’s essential to get adequate rest. If you’re unable to sleep due to congestion or body aches, do what you can to relieve the underlying issues. Decongestant over-the-counter medications can help relieve stuffiness and mild pain relievers may help minimize your body aches so you can rest. Remember, when you’re sick it’s the perfect time to give your body the extra care and attention it needs to recover.

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