Back-to-School Child Health Check | Newport Medical and Wellness Center

Does My Child Need a Back-to-School Wellness Check?

September 4, 2018

in Family Medicine, Medical & Wellness

In any community, parental beliefs differ about the proper way to raise a child. For example, tempers can stew under the surface when parents discuss the best nutrition for their children’s health: Vegans look narrowly upon meat-eating families while the offended carnivores might be suspicious of the herbivores.

Whatever their child-raising differences, in one area all good parents agree: They want their children to be well and happy. An ideal time to evaluate whether your child is thriving or could benefit from some health improvements is to schedule a back-to-school wellness check.

What Type of Provider Is Best?

It makes good sense to schedule an appointment with a reputable medical and wellness team. A respected facility such as Newport Medical and Wellness is an excellent family practice option. The staff represents a broad cross-section of highly-trained wellness and medical specialties.

An advantage of a medical and wellness family practice is that your child can be followed through all stages of life. When patients are seen over time, they are protected by continuity of care. If your child shows subtle changes in health or behavior, establishing a long-term relationship with a center like Newport Medical and Wellness means your child is well-known there. Symptoms are more likely to be detected early–and therefore, treated successfully. 

What Will Occur at My Child’s Wellness Check?

During your first visit, you might expect your child to be generally examined in any or all of the following areas:

  • Physical Condition – Growth, medical conditions, or recent changes in health are some of the areas your team will likely discuss.
  • Mental Condition – Age-appropriate cognition, reasoning and verbal ability are areas that can provide valuable baseline data.
  • Emotional Condition – Maturity level is discussed and the parent may be asked about home behavior, such as whether the child is generally relaxed and sunny or is often tense or nervous.
  • Prevention – Subjects such as school bullying, ways to prepare a child for a new baby, or many other areas in a child’s life can be planned for to minimize anxiety or distress. Even positive events can upset a child’s equilibrium.

You need not be limited to a single wellness check. If an area needs in-depth consideration, a separate visit targeting that issue is appropriate.

There are several factors that can affect a child’s health and sense of well-being. A good family medical and wellness center is an optimum front-line defense for your family’s health care needs. Your loved ones can be treated effectively, proactively and with continuity throughout their lives.

Call to schedule your child’s back-to-school checkup today: (949) 631-9009.

#medical #wellness #FamilyMedicine

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