Autumn Wellness Tips | Newport Medical and Wellness

Autumn Wellness Tips

November 5, 2021

in Lifestyle, Medical & Wellness

Autumn is a beautiful time of year, but it’s also a time when people tend to want to slow down and relax. As the weather cools and the days get shorter, cold and flu viruses start to circulate with greater intensity. This is also the time when many people start to experience a decline in mental health. Fortunately, you can fight off both physical illness and mental illness by incorporating these Autumn wellness tips into your daily routine.

Eat Foods That Boost Your Immune System

A strong immune system can help you get through the cold and flu season with greater ease. To boost your immune system, eat nutrient-dense foods such as spinach, garlic, almonds, oranges, and ginger.

This isn’t the time to indulge in sugary comfort foods (even though you’ll probably crave them more than usual this time of year). As you take care of your body by providing it with the nutrition it needs to stay strong and healthy, you’ll have an easier time enjoying the fall season and staying healthy.

Get a Flu Shot

Each year, researchers spend a lot of time trying to predict which flu strains will be most active so they can develop an appropriate flu shot. To minimize your chance of getting seriously ill from the flu, make it a priority to get a flu shot before cold and flu season hits in full force.

Lose Extra Weight

A lot of people put on extra pounds as they head into autumn. This is a natural result of the many comfort foods that become popular during this time of year (pumpkin pie, anyone?) But just because most people are eating a certain way doesn’t mean you have to.

If you want to stay fit and healthy through autumn and the holidays, make a goal to lose any extra weight you’ve put on. Be sure to do this in healthy ways, such as consuming fewer heavily processed foods and eating more fruits and vegetables. You can also take advantage of the exceptional weight loss programs offered by Newport Medical and Wellness Center. These programs focus on improving your physical health and wellness through both diet and exercise.

Adopt a Sleep Schedule

It’s not uncommon for peoples’ sleep schedules to get thrown off as the sun goes down earlier. If you want to avoid wreaking havoc on your circadian rhythm, it’s important to adopt a sleep schedule. Choose the same time to go to bed every night and wake up at the same time every morning.

It’s OK to alter your sleep schedule for special occasions. But the more consistent you are about going to bed and getting up at the same time each day, the easier it will be to achieve quality, invigorating sleep each night.

Stay Hydrated

Did you know a lot of people become dehydrated during the fall because they underestimate how much they should be drinking? It’s easier to drink a lot of water in the summer when you feel parched, but it’s harder to remember your water consumption needs when the weather is cooler and you don’t sweat as much.

These are just a few of the top ways you can keep yourself healthy in mind and body this fall. Start making them a habit today so you can experience the best Autumn ever.

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